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Create New A/B test

A/B testing used is a very effective method for running a successful Marketing campaign. run two or more tests in parallel after the selected time scheduled final campaign for the rest of the users.

How A/B testing works#

Users need to create a test and Select patterns of different metadata like subject line, preview text, sender profile, and reply email. mailatmars run all tests at the scheduled time and after completion of those tests, the final campaign is scheduled at the selected time interval.

  1. Every test needed 400 contact
  2. Final Campaign scheduled after hour in Multiple of 4

Create a New test#

  1. open A/B campign Dashboard

  2. click to Add New Test Type.

    create a/b test in mailatmars

  3. for selecting a Template click on the template preview image and set the meta field click on the setting button at bottom of the test.

    create a/b test in mailatmars

  4. By clicking the bottom setting button you can set metadata about the campaign test.

set genuine metadata for your A/B test so users can easily recognize your brand and content.